By no means and exhaustive list, but these are some recommended places and examples of places relevant work could be submitted for (local) conference presentations, talks, workshops, and/or publishing. Alongside them are examples of relevant topic areas for each. Consider submitting an abstract to a conference or journal before the project is done.
Conferences and Talk Locations
- The Annual Waterfront Alliance Conference (resiliency, waterfront design projects, public and NGO partnerships, regional NY/NJ projects)
- The Center for Architecture Talks (sustainable design, adaptive reuse, passive house, LEED)
- NY Passive House Conference (architecture, passive house)
- Climate Collective NYC (communicating climate change, art, film, highly interdisciplinary)
- BuildingEnergy NYC 2020 (building performance, architecture, passive house)
- Cities Alive 2020 (green infrastructure, green roofs, green walls
- 2020 Sustainability Summit (sustainable business, CSR, cost analyses)
- International Conference on Sustainable Development 2020 (sustainable development)
- Zero Waste Summit (solid waste, food waste, waste-to-energy)
- Vision 2050 (disruptive design, tech-related projects, the future of environmental justice)
- Silicon Harlem (tech, innovation, product design)
- Low Carb New York (emissions reduction, carbon capture, energy-efficiency)
- International Conference on Sustainable Transportation and Sustainability (transportation, city logistics)
- Sustainatopia (any)
- Climate Week NYC (any)
Example Places to Publish
- See a full list 100 Sustainability Journals listed here. (any)
- American Association of Geographers (any)
- Current Research in Environmental Sustainability (any)
- Resources, Conservation and Recycling (solid waste, resource conservation, water)
- Energy (renewable energy, waste-to-energy
- Environmental Justice (EJ, climate justice)
- Global Environmental Change (climate science, earth science, extreme weather)
- One Earth (sciences)