Potential Project Deliverables

Q: In what form will your Results / Findings appear? I.e., what will your project be producing, ultimately?

Recommended solution(s), e.g., for reducing water use in buildings, or moving a waste stream towards Zero Waste, or alleviating water problems for CA almond growers.

Business model and financial analysis of a proposed enterprise that simultaneously reduces the flow of food waste and provides nutritious food for NYC food deserts. Cost/benefit analysis of energy-efficient building materials.

Feasibility assessment of one or more proposed solutions (e.g., of geothermal energy systems in NYC).

Set of strategies, e.g., for retrofitting different categories of school buildings; or making effective financial investments in green infrastructure.

Set of guidelines and best practices, e.g., for waste reduction in businesses, or optimizing occupant behavior in green buildings, or improvements in NYC bicycle infrastructure. 

Parametric studies analyzing a range of strategies in differing configurations, e.g., providing low-income housing by infilling urban areas using (i) shipping containers and (ii) modular construction techniques. qCreative new analysis/synthesis, e.g., with respect to high-performance building technologies, or feasibility of geothermal energy systems in NYC. qProposed sustainability plan for a NYC food grocer, integrating circular economy principles.

A computerized energy model of proposed building assemblies, and a comparative analysis of the proposed assemblies using this energy model. Or a predictive model to estimate energy savings—plus a validation of the model using collected building data.