Fall 2024 in Shepard Hall 375 and on Zoom
Please E-mail [email protected] for the Zoom link.
Friday, December 13th, 2024 (30-45 minutes per project)
Final Capstone Presentations
10:30AM: Breakfast and networking
11:00AM: Circular Microgrids: Designing Integrated Energy Infrastructure
Professor Mohamed’s Team: Dave, Jason, Marija
11:45AM: Wildfire Impacts on Coastal Water Quality Collaborative
Professor McDonald’s Team: Kevin, Gabby, Josh
12:30PM: Networking Lunch & Lunchtime Talk from the Environmental Projects Class with Professor McDonald: “Assessing Water Security in Ukraine: A Tool for Monitoring Changes in Surface Waters with Remote Sensing Datasets using Google Earth Engine”
1:00PM: A Comprehensive Examination of Post-Consumer Clothing
Professor Jans’ Team: Ezra, Abby, David
1:45PM: The West Harlem Energy Proposal
Professor Bobker’s Team: Chloe, Lencho, Jonathan, Arrif
2:30PM: Community-Centered Hazard Mitigation Planning in Western Queens
Katherine/NYCEM’s Team: Mitaly, Nico, Andrew
3:15PM: Impact of solar thermal and heat pumps in the energy savings for residential building in NYC
Professor Madamopoulos’s Team: Divya, Amber
4:00PM: Pizza and networking
Mid-Year Capstone Presentations
4:30PM: West Harlem Energy Proposal (Phase 2)
Professor Bobker’s Team: Genie, Gabriel, Claudia, Scott
5:15PM: Biogas in the City: Enhancing Biodigestor Reliability for Urban Sustainability
Professor Bobker’s Team: Narjis, Cortney, Laura
6:00PM: Assessing Climate Resilience of NYC’s Living Shorelines: Long-Term Data and Remote Sensing Analysis
Professors Merchant and Lakhankar’s Team: Kervin, Angela, Nadia
Wrap up by 7PM–Happy Holidays!
Initial Project Proposals (in presentation order)
Circular Microgrids: Designing Integrated Energy Infrastructure
Led by Professor Ahmed Mohamed (Electrical Engineering)
Produce a schematic design for (a) a scalable set of synergistic renewable technologies and distributed energy resource systems, and (b) investigate their potential widespread application and economic feasibility. Use the results to propose a sustainable and cost-effective collection, storage, and distribution system of renewable energy resources.
Most spaces in our built environments rely on a standard set of assumptions. One such assumption being that the inflow of raw energy resources (e.g., natural gas, electricity, and oil) to energy consumption systems (e.g., boilers, electric stoves, and vehicles) stands independent to the stream of waste products generated using the same. In other words, the still usable waste products (e.g., heat, natural gas, and oil) generated by typical energy consumption systems are assumed to be of no immediate use at their current site and are designed to be shipped off and stored in landfills, flushed down the drain, or recycled in distant central locations.
However, in recent decades there has been an increased interest in “closing the loops” or connecting the outflows of still usable waste products to the inflows of raw energy resources. In theory, a circular use of resources would enhance the overall efficiency of a given system by increasing the proportion of energy into it while reducing the waste out. Due to a reshuffling of technologies and laws in the built environment the speed at which this practice has been incorporated has slowed. For example, new local laws 92 and 94 in New York City require green or solar roofs, two seemingly separate systems with disparate inflows and outflows that have only begun to be implemented as scale.
Updated design practices connecting the energy outflows and inflows of the built environment and account for new technologies and laws will be crucial for rapid wide-scale adoption of closed loop systems. The aim of this project is to produce a schematic design for a scalable set of synergistic renewable technologies and distributed energy resource systems, connect and close their loops, and investigate their potential widespread application.
Suggested Approaches
(1) Identify a scalable set of synergistic renewable technologies and distributed energy resource systems relative to the most common energy consumption and waste systems in the built environment.
An analysis of the energy inflows and outflows of the most common building and system types and the most common and relevant distributed renewable energy system types will help create a holistic model of the energy inflows and outflows of those systems.
(2) Identify synergies between the various productive and consumptive systems.
From the model created in step 1, synergies between productive and consumptive systems can be identified. For example, a green roof below raised solar panels may increase efficiency of the panels and yield bio-mass suitable for compost and generation of biogas to be used on site.
(3) Conduct a product and economic feasibility study.
Wildfire Impacts on Coastal Water Quality Collaborative
Led by Professor Kyle McDonald (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
The capstone team will assess impacts of the increasing prevalence of wildfire on coastal water quality and examine the intersection of associated wildfire impacts and stakeholder needs in California. This effort supports integration of remote seeing technologies, coast process science and social sciences related to climate change.
Wildfires in the western United States are expected to increase in frequency and intensity under a changing climate. There is an urgent need to quantify and anticipate wildfire impacts on aquatic ecosystems through changing watershed hydrology and nutrient transport, with coastal ecosystem response being particularly not well understood. This limited understanding of post-fire impacts on coastal water quality and infrastructure have resulted in challenges in local agency response and management. This project will help identify and explore post-fire monitoring protocols through the lens of space and airborne remote sensing, with the goal of improving understanding of watershed scale changes due to fire impacts after an event as well as supporting coordination efforts for monitoring post fire conditions and hazards.
Suggested Approaches:
- Develop and document understanding of stakeholder monitoring needs for post wildfire conditions and coastal impacts, in terms of datasets and technical capabilities.
- Review remote sensing assets that can complement and resolve coastal processes impacted by fires and develop exemplar case studies to show case capabilities.
- Report on opportunities at the intersection of remote sensing and post wildfire coastal monitoring and assessments in California.
Students should be comfortable working with computer analysis tools and a GIS analysis framework.
This project will be carried out in collaboration with scientists from the Earth Science section in the Division of Science at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.
A Comprehensive Examination of Post-Consumer Clothing: Insights from Woodside, Queens, NYC, and Manila, Philippines
Led by Professor Urs Jans (Chemistry)
- Objective The purpose of this study will be to characterize post-consumer clothing, in terms of material composition, brand attribution, manufacturing origin and garment classification, at select points of disposal in Woodside, Queens, NYC and Manila, Philippines. The findings from this study will then inform the design and development of an Extended Producer Responsibility policy proposal for textiles.
- Background The fashion industry, as reported by McKinsey, is valued at around $2.5 trillion and produces goods utilized by diverse global demographics. In recent times, major fashion brands have strategically reduced their price points while incorporating lower-grade synthetic materials. This shift encourages consumers to purchase cheap garments more frequently, thereby perpetuating a throwaway culture. Notably, an estimated 85% of all textile waste ultimately ends up in landfills and incinerators, with approximately 20% of it never being worn.
The lack of producer responsibility shifts the burden of end-of-life textile management onto local governments and communities in New York City and Manila, rather than fashion brands, exacerbating environmental and social issues associated with the fast fashion industry. With the objective of shifting primary management responsibilities to fashion brands, this study aims to identify post-consumer clothing elements, including material composition, brand attribution, manufacturing origin, and garment classification, at designated disposal points in Woodside, Queens, NYC, and Metro Manila, Philippines. The results of this study will shape the creation of a proposal for an Extended Producer Responsibility policy regarding textiles. - Suggested Approaches
- Literature Review: Review existing studies on post-consumer clothing and textile recycling programs, with a focus on material composition and end-of-life management.
- Quantify post-consumer clothing in Woodside, Queens and Manila, Philippines: Collect data on post-consumer clothing from a clothing swap in Woodside, Queens, and from collection bins at laundromats and residential buildings. Data will also be collected on second-hand clothes sold at public markets in Manila, Philippines.
- Gather Qualitative Data on Clothing Waste Culture: Conduct interviews and surveys in select communities to identify gaps in waste education.
- Analyze Data: Characterize post-consumer clothing by material composition, brand attribution, manufacturing origin and garment classification. A comparative analysis will be conducted on sample post-consumer clothing data between New York City and Manila, Philippines.
- Recommendations: Brands, recyclers, and communities can use the findings from this research to inform their systems and processes related to clothing design, textile recycling and environmental advocacy. The findings from this study will then inform the design and development of an Extended Producer Responsibility policy proposal for textiles.
West Harlem Energy Proposal
Led by Michael Bobker (CUNY Building Performance Lab)
Working with manufacturers and vendors will be crucial in developing feasible product selection. Also, a long-term life-cycle cost analysis will be instrumental in determining the feasibility of application at scale and identifying any methods to help speed widespread adoption of circular microgrids.
This project will explore the retrofit technologies and processes for a low-carbon and grid-interactive Harlem neighborhood. The project will initiate work of the newly founded Harlem Retrofit Lab and Design Partnership, developing the basis for a community-governed virtual microgrid, West Harlem Energy.
The goal of the project will be to have well-articulated retrofit packages for typical apartment buildings and rowhouses, as the basis for presentations to property owners to support their decision-making and planning. The project will also introduce students to cutting-edge concepts and applications of great value in professional practice and community energy planning.
West Harlem Energy Proposal – the overall, long-term project
A team coordinated by CCNY with community partners will design, implement, and demonstrate connected energy community and microgrid services for a dense urban community – promoting energy reliability, resiliency, efficiency, carbon reduction, with community engagement and benefits. The project will create a replicable template for community energy services in urban neighborhoods. In addition to technical feasibility and benefits, the project will model organizational relationships incorporating major institutions, community organizations, utility companies, and city government. The benefits of a project of this scope can be measured in terms of resource and energy/cost savings but also in non-energy benefits such as productivity enhancements, health improvements, environmental advancements, energy literacy, and broader benefits to the economy through the development of environmentally focused jobs.
Capstone Project Focus
Beginning with an understanding of NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act (Local Law 97) as a driver of deep-energy retrofits, students will explore the application of technology options such as Passive House envelopes, heat recovery, EV charging, energy storage, and heat pump electrification. Retrofits will incorporate sensors and controls for coordinated interaction with the electric grid, applying the concepts of GEB (Grid-interactive Energy-efficient Buildings) and DERMS (Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems) that are currently under development and piloting at US DOE National Labs.
Suggested Approaches
- Conduct technology-specific research, connect with specialized designers and vendors
- Create schematic conceptual designs for retrofits in typical conditions
- Explore project finance methods and meet with institutional “green financiers”
- Apply Urban Energy Modeling techniques for assessing scenario impacts
- Leverage and build upon existing knowledge in building systems, energy, and/or architecture.
Community-Centered Hazard Mitigation Planning in NYC
Led by Katherine Gloede Silverman (Sustainability) with support from The New York City Office of Emergency Management and Neighborhood Housing Services of Queens
Evaluate community risk and vulnerability of NYC neighborhoods to increasingly severe weather events as a result of climate change to create a neighborhood-specific Hazard Mitigation Plan.
New York City Emergency Management (NYCEM) routinely updates its Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Hazard Mitigation Plan, mandated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, breaks down hazards facing NYC, strategies that New Yorkers can use to mitigate these hazards, and strategies for reducing the impact of disasters to come.
NYCEM is looking to better engage NYC communities in the planning process by partnering with academic institutions to create hazard mitigation planning projects for specific neighborhoods that match the needs of each selected community. Hazards impact NYC neighborhoods differently, and having a plan tailored to a community’s specific needs can mean more effective responses to disasters.
One focus area could be inland areas of Brooklyn and Queens that were heavily impacted flash flooding during 2019 Post-Tropical Cyclone (PTC) Ida, which came with little warning and late in the evening. The historic flooding event occurred late in the evening with little warning, resulting in 13 deaths (mostly in homes with basement units) and over $781 million in damages across the city. However, community organizations would need to be located in these areas.
Working closely with NYCEM and local community organizations, students will have the opportunity to apply urban planning skills and analysis to a multidisciplinary effort to combat the ever-growing threat of severe weather to historically underserved communities and play an integral role in creating a safer, better-prepared city.
Suggested Approaches
- Empower and support local community organizations to create neighborhood hazard mitigation plans that address urban planning challenges as they relate to hazardous events, climate change, and environmental justice.
- Utilize existing preparedness and mitigation tools and resources in combination with planning skill and knowledge to support the development of a local hazard mitigation plan.
- Document the planning process via a planning guide that details challenges, successes, and personalization added while developing the hazard mitigation plan.
Impact of solar thermal and heat pumps in the energy savings for residential building in NYC
Led by Professor Nicholas Madamopoulos (Electrical Engineering)
The objective of the project is for the first time to quantify the impact of
1. Solar thermal domestic hot water and
2. Heat pumps
in NYC.
NYC has set very challenging goals for energy reduction and carbon footprint reduction (https://www.nyc.gov/assets/sustainability/downloads/pdf/publications/New%20York%20City’s%20Roadmap%20to%2080%20x%2050_Final.pdf ). Decarbonization is intended to be driven by the of replacement of gas/oil heating systems with heat pumps. However, removing all fossil fuel from the equation may not be viable, since current and proposed Photovoltaics and Wind power plans may not be able be able to cover the needs. Hence, any reduction in the energy requirements in domestic buildings will offer opportunities to meat the goals.
Solar thermal is very underrepresented in the east coast. However, we do get a lot of sunny days in NY metropolitan area. Solar thermal domestic hot water solutions have offered great benefits in many countries. The interplay between solar thermal for hot water and heat pumps for space conditioning should be quantified in terms of energy content, monetary impact for the user and carbon footprint for the state.
Suggested approaches
A study of the available residential stock in New York city will be performed based on the existing Department of Energy databases. Different simulation scenarios for 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- family homes will be developed in Energy Plus (or other simulation platform) and comparison among the reference (i.e., existing HVAC systems) and the introduction or only solar thermal, only heat pumps and both will be performed.
The results will be analyzed to provide technical feedback on the performance of the instruments as well as serve as a guide to develop guidelines and incentive programs from the city.
West Harlem Energy Proposal (Phase 2)
Led by Michael Bobker (CUNY Building Performance Lab)
Working with manufacturers and vendors will be crucial in developing feasible product selection. Also, a long-term life-cycle cost analysis will be instrumental in determining the feasibility of application at scale and identifying any methods to help speed widespread adoption of circular microgrids.
This project will explore the retrofit technologies and processes for a low-carbon and grid-interactive Harlem neighborhood. The project will initiate work of the newly founded Harlem Retrofit Lab and Design Partnership, developing the basis for a community-governed virtual microgrid, West Harlem Energy.
The goal of the project will be to have well-articulated retrofit packages for typical apartment buildings and rowhouses, as the basis for presentations to property owners to support their decision-making and planning. The project will also introduce students to cutting-edge concepts and applications of great value in professional practice and community energy planning.
West Harlem Energy Proposal – the overall, long-term project
A team coordinated by CCNY with community partners will design, implement, and demonstrate connected energy community and microgrid services for a dense urban community – promoting energy reliability, resiliency, efficiency, carbon reduction, with community engagement and benefits. The project will create a replicable template for community energy services in urban neighborhoods. In addition to technical feasibility and benefits, the project will model organizational relationships incorporating major institutions, community organizations, utility companies, and city government. The benefits of a project of this scope can be measured in terms of resource and energy/cost savings but also in non-energy benefits such as productivity enhancements, health improvements, environmental advancements, energy literacy, and broader benefits to the economy through the development of environmentally focused jobs.
Capstone Project Focus
Beginning with an understanding of NYC’s Climate Mobilization Act (Local Law 97) as a driver of deep-energy retrofits, students will explore the application of technology options such as Passive House envelopes, heat recovery, EV charging, energy storage, and heat pump electrification. Retrofits will incorporate sensors and controls for coordinated interaction with the electric grid, applying the concepts of GEB (Grid-interactive Energy-efficient Buildings) and DERMS (Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems) that are currently under development and piloting at US DOE National Labs.
Suggested Approaches
- Conduct technology-specific research, connect with specialized designers and vendors
- Create schematic conceptual designs for retrofits in typical conditions
- Explore project finance methods and meet with institutional “green financiers”
- Apply Urban Energy Modeling techniques for assessing scenario impacts
- Leverage and build upon existing knowledge in building systems, energy, and/or architecture.
Notes: This is a continuation of a current capstone project ending their first semester.
Biogas in the City: Enhancing Biodigestor Reliability for Urban Sustainability
Led by Michael Bobker (CUNY Building Performance Lab)
Human activity has always generated waste, and each era has had its own treatment method and specific problems. The pollution of water, air and soil by food and agricultural waste is constantly increasing, which is pushing governments and industries to seek technological solutions for efficient and less costly waste treatment.
Agricultural and similar residues are characterized by relatively rapid decomposition, therefore contributing to the emission of unpleasant odors, air, groundwater and surface water pollution and the proliferation of disease-carrying insects. These residues are considered renewable natural resources, which can be used in many areas for many benefits. They include animal waste (manure), crop waste (fruit and vegetable residues) and hazardous and toxic agricultural waste (pesticides, insecticides and herbicides). These wastes are disposed of, if not recovered marginally and traditionally at farm level in soil fertility management and animal feed.
Methanization, also called anaerobic digestion, is a natural biological process transforming organic matter into biogas, consisting mainly of methane (approximately 60%) and carbon dioxide (approximately 40%). This energy production process is now a way of producing green energy, simultaneously allowing the recovery of organic waste. Even if the majority of the deposit comes from animal waste, the waste that can be methanized is very diverse (livestock effluents, crop waste, sewage treatment plant sludge, etc.) and present in large quantities. The biogas formed can be used in different ways. The most widely used avenue currently is cogeneration, i.e. the combustion of methane to produce electricity, and heat. The second avenue, less developed but expanding, is the injection of biogas into the natural gas network.
The biodigestores are important for several reasons, primarily related to environmental sustainability, waste management, and energy production. In essence, biodigesters play a crucial role in creating a more sustainable and circular economy by turning waste into valuable resources while minimizing environmental impact.
While they offer a range of environmental and economic benefits, there are several challenges associated with their implementation and operation. One of the big challenges for the successful implementation and operation of biodigesters is related to monitoring and maintenance.
This capstone project aims to identify potential solutions to the main challenges related to the maintenance and monitoring of biodigesters through city scale biogas systems in New York City.
Assessing Climate Resilience of NYC’s Living Shorelines: Long-Term Data and Remote Sensing Analysis
Led by NOAA CREST Scientists Dr. Shakila Merchant and Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar
The objective of this project is to evaluate the long-term impact of climate change on the resilience of New York City’s living shorelines, utilizing historical weather data and remote sensing imagery to analyze shoreline evolution and identify critical areas for conservation and intervention. This research aims to provide actionable insights for enhancing urban coastal resilience and sustainable ecosystem management in response to climatic changes.
The New York City (NYC) coastline has undergone significant transformations due to urban development, erosion, and rising sea levels, resulting in the loss of over half its tidelands since colonial times. This alarming trend underscores the urgency of adopting resilient strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of these changes. Living shorelines, which include naturally occurring features such as salt marshes, have emerged as sustainable alternatives to traditional gray infrastructure like seawalls, floodwalls, and riprap. Unlike these conventional defenses, living shorelines offer enhanced environmental benefits by providing vital wildlife habitats, sequestering blue carbon, and improving community well-being, especially in BIPOC (black, indigenous, and other people of color) and low-income neighborhoods highly susceptible to flood risks.
This study focuses on the long-term evaluation of these living shorelines, analyzing their role in coastal ecosystems and their effectiveness in urban climate resilience. By leveraging historical Landsat images, this research assesses the evolution of the shoreline and the impact of extreme weather events, such as Hurricane Ida, pinpointing erosional hotspots that need immediate intervention. Further, it examines changes in geomorphological features, soil composition, and flora dynamics of NYC’s protected and restored salt marshes, utilizing both pre- and post-event remote sensing data.
Despite extensive restoration efforts, many of NYC’s marshes struggle to thrive, hindered by urban encroachment that impedes natural marsh migration, nutrient overloads from combined sewer outfalls (CSO), and blocked sediment transport due to infrastructure like bulkheads and levees. The research aims to identify critical factors promoting shoreline stability and ecological functionality through comprehensive field surveys, geospatial mapping, and thorough data analysis. Ultimately, this study seeks to provide actionable insights for sustainable urban planning and infrastructure development, aiming to bolster environmental preservation efforts and improve the resilience and health of coastal communities against future climatic challenges.
Suggested Approaches:
- Remote Sensing and Historical Data Analysis: Utilize long-term weather station data and Landsat images to assess historical changes and impacts of extreme weather events on NYC’s shorelines. This approach includes pre- and post-event analysis of events like Hurricane Ida to identify erosion trends and hotspot areas requiring intervention.
- Field Surveys and Geospatial Mapping: Conduct targeted field surveys in selected high-priority areas to collect data on geomorphological features, and flora dynamics. Employ geospatial mapping techniques to overlay historical data and current observations, thereby identifying factors that contribute to shoreline stability and ecological functionality.
- Stakeholder Engagement and Policy Analysis: Engage with local communities, especially those in high-risk flood zones, to gather insights on the socio-economic impacts of living shorelines. Analyze existing coastal management policies and propose integrated strategies for incorporating natural and nature-based solutions to enhance climate resilience in urban planning.