This is by no means an exhaustive list or a set of rules to follow, just some general tips that might help make presentations clear, concise, and compelling.
- Considerations For Slides:
- Slides should (typically) have some text, but not so much that it distracts the audience from what you’re saying. Typically, avoid full paragraphs or long sentences.
- Keep a consistent format for all of your slides.
- In general, the number of slides you have should be around the number of minutes in presentation (eg. a 15 minute presentation should have around 15 slides).
- Avoid having slides you will put up for the audience for less than 30 seconds. Those can likely be cut/combined.
- Infographics are great, but be sure to explain them! For example, don’t show a chart that no one will discuss.
- Cite images from sources and direct quotes/stats. If you have a citations slide at the end and label figures/facts, that works too!
- Unless you are asking the audience a question and then revealing an answer, text transitions aren’t necessary.
- If you’re using images (eg. maps) that you/your team created, make sure the formatting is consistent throughout. For example, if land is green on one map green should mean land for all maps during the presentation.
- Considerations For Speaking:
- Avoid reading directly from slides. Elaborate on the text.
- Avoid introducing jargon without defining it (eg. sustainability, resilience).
- Ahead of a big presentation, time yourself to see how fast or slow you’re speaking.
- Scripting is okay! If you get stage fright or are worried you will forget something important, you can read directly from a script you have for yourself (not audience-facing).
- If you’re presenting in a team, be sure one person is advancing slides and everyone knows how to advance (eg. “next slide please.”).
For Lightning Talks (Capstone Workshop):
- Present (solo) on an important source of material for your capstone.
- Summarize what the resource is.
- Describe why it’s important to your project.
- Explain relevant information to you, things you may disagree with, areas for research left blank here, etc.
- Keep it to 5 minutes and 5 slides (max, shorter is fine)
- Scripted or unscripted!
- Think of it like an elevator pitch.